" SylviaaMuhd"

Sylviaa Muhd
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Because I say hi to you, though I don't particularly like you, doesn't mean i'm fake, just means i'm mature enough to not let you bother me

" The Lonelyness Princess Evahh "

i just an a pretty princess and you may find me on instagram I'll be follow you back dear readers. instagram : sylviaamuhd

Tuesday 30 April 2013 | 5:16:00 pm | 0Comment

hi , sekarang  dah 30 april ohhno! thats mean dah dekat nak trial
SPM hmmmmmm lagi pun sekarang tengah mid year exam :/
but i really hope that i can score for this exam AMIN
harap boleh jawab semua paper :/
haishh cepatnya masa berlalu kan?